

    • KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;


    • To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
    • To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
    • To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…
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    Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru,


    Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru has started working in 1997 for Classes I to V in a temporary building. Later on in the year 2011 the school has been shifted to its own newly constructed building.

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    To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education

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    To cater to the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-Military personnel by providing a common programme of education;

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    Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
    Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,
    On the momentous occasion of Foundation Day 2024 of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), I extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you. From its humble beginnings in 1963, KVS has grown into an inspiring institution of excellence in school education. This remarkable journey continues to evolve, driven by an unwavering spirit of innovation and progress.

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    Shri. Dharmendra Patle

    Deputy Commissioner

    विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्रोति धनात् धर्मं तत: सुखम्।। Knowledge gives humility, humility leads to eligibility, worthiness to wealth, wealth to religion and religion to happiness. Education is the foundation of man on which the future of man is built. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, with its continuous efforts towards education, is making a meaningful effort to ignite the flame of knowledge in India. All my senior officers, colleagues, teachers and employees of this organization are making meaningful efforts to take education to every student with their full dedication. I wish for the bright future of all the students who are building their future in the learning environment of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. Thank you. Shri. Dharmendra Patle, Deputy Commissioner KVS RO Bengaluru

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    Shri Manish Saini


    Greetings to all ! Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers,motivated students and enthusiastic parents and PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya Tumakuru also propagates the same philosophy wherein a vibrant community of learners,teachers, and parents stand united by a shared passion for education and growth. Our school is dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence,creativity, and inclusivity,where every student can thrive and reach his/her full potential. We believe in empowering our students with the 21st century skills, knowledge, and values necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world. It is done by means of a potent amalgam of curricular and co-curricular activities that hones the latent talent into the efficient one. As principal, I am proud to lead this community and am committed to ensuring that every student receives a world-class education and reaches greater heights by each passing day. Together, let's shape the future of our students and the world they will inherit. Thank You

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    What’s New

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    Explore Things

    Academic Planner

    Academic Planner

    Academic Planner for the Year 2024-25. KV Tumkur follows extensive Academic Plan as per CBSE curriculum and...

    Academic Result

    Academic Result

    Academic result-2023-24. KV Tumkur achieved 100% pass percentage in CBSE Board exam 2023-24 in both Class...

    Bal Vatika

    Bal Vatika

    This Vidyalaya do not have any Bal Vatika

    Nipun Lakshay

    Nipun Lakshay

    KV Tumkur conducts various oral, reading, writing, understanding and numerical activities to improve the...

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)

    KV Tumkur conducts extra classes before or after school hours as per...

    Study Materials

    Study Materials

    KV Tumkur has circulated the Study Materials prepared at regional level in all the subjects for Classes X and XII.

    Workshops & Trainings

    Workshops & Trainings

    As per NCERT, attending 50 hours offline and online is mandatory for all the teachers in an academic year. Various...

    Student Council

    Student Council

    Every year Students Council elections are held in the begining of the academic years to choose the students with...

    Know Your School

    Know your School

    KV Tumkur is committed to provide quality education to the students

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    Atal Tinkering Lab

    This VIdyalaya Does not have Atal Tinkering Lab

    Digital Language Lab

    Digital Language Lab

    This Vidyalaya does not have Digital Language Lab


    ICT – eClassrooms & Labs

    KV TUMKUR has e-Classroom set up installed in primary, secondary and senior secondary sections both in classrooms...



    libraries play a vital role in preserving knowledge for future generations.


    Labs - Physics/Chemistry/Biology

    Labs are the incubators of curiosity, where hands-on experiments are conducted and theories learned in the...

    Building and BaLA Initiatives

    Building & BaLA Initiatives

    KV TUMKUR buildings acts as effective sources of learning about noble ideas, basic knowledge about the art, math...

    Sports Infrastructure

    Sports Infrastructure (Play Fields)

    KV TUMKUR play arena has 1 basket ball court, 1 volleyball court . The sports room caters facilities and equipments to play...



    The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), headed by the Prime Minister of India, is the apex body for...



    Playing sports on daily basis help in developing the mental skills. It also improves the psychological skills of...


    NCC/Scout & Guides

    To contribute to the education of young people through a value system based on the Scout/Guide promise and law to...

    Education Excursion

    Education Excursion

    Educational excursions play a significant role in teaching students in an interesting manner. It helps them to learn things...



    The main aim of the Olympiad exams is to students recognize their educational strengths.


    Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc

    A science exhibition is a wonderful tool that engages students in learning new facts and inventions with a zeal of interest

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

    it launched an initiative to boost the cultural connection between the states and union territories of the country.

    Art and Craft

    Art & Craft

    Arts and crafts education helps improve a child's creativity, motor skills, and imagination.

    Fun Day

    Fun Day

    Our motive to conduct Funday is to provide students a new outlook towards life and learning.

    youth parliament

    Youth Parliament

    The purposes of Youth Parliament are to develop in students an insight into the working parliament

    PM SHRI Schools

    PM SHRI Schools

    This PM SHRI Vidyalaya has been working towards the multidimensional growth of all students

    Skill Education

    Skill Education

    This Vidyalaya offers Artificial Intelligence as Vocational Subject

    Guidance and Counselling

    Guidance & Counselling

    Vidyalaya arranges Career Guidance sessions & Counselling session to the children regularly in school premises

    Community Participation

    Community Participation

    Various activities in Community Participation are conducted by Vidyalaya :Cleanliness drive, Awareness Drive



    Vidyanjali is an initiative taken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India with the aim to strengthen...



    Publication by School displayed here

    News Letter

    News Letter

    News letter of Vidyalaya

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    Vidyalaya Patrika

    Our Vidyalaya Patrika

    Glorious Moments

    See What's Happening

    News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School

    exposure visit
    February- 2024

    Students Visit to Visvesvaraya Industrial & Technological Museum ...under Exposure Visit

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    environment day

    KV TUMKUR celebrated Environment Day

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    Summer Camp was organized in school during 06/06/2024 to 12/06/2024

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    • national teachers award
      Mrs.G Ponsankari PGT Biology

      Mrs.G Ponsankari PGT(Biology) of this Vidyalaya received the prestigious National Teachers Award for her innovative teachingAward was Conferred by Hon’ble President Mrs. Draupadi Murmu

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    • KN yashwant
      Kumar K N Yashwant KV Tumkur

      Kumar K N Yashwant , student of PM SHRI KV Tumakuru was selected for the YuViKa Program by ISRO and he achieved the certification of Recognition from ISRO Chairman Shri S. Somanath

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    Kitchen Garden

    kitchen garden

    KV Tumkur is developing a kitchen garden

    Our Vidyalaya Toppers

    CBSE Board Examination Class X and Class XII


    • Harismitha

      Scored 94.8% Marks in Class X CBSE Examination 2023-24


    • Tejasvi Ganpati Bhat

      Tejaswi Ganapati Bhat
      Scored 88.8% Marks in Class XII CBSE Examination 2023-24

    • Adarsh V
      Scored 97.8%

    Vidyalaya Results

    Year of 2023-24

    Appeared 122 Passed 122

    Year of 2022-23

    Appeared 101 Passed 101

    Year of 2021-22

    Appeared 99 Passed 98

    Year of 2020-21

    Appeared 102 Passed 102